Somatic Experiencing Therapy in Kelowna, BC

What is Somatic Experiencing Therapy?

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented therapeutic model developed by Peter Levine, Ph.D and has been practiced for more than 45 years.

He originally developed the model by observing existential stress in the animal kingdom - who are almost constantly under the threat of death - and how they released that stress.

When they (and we) don’t have a way to release that stress physiologically it remains trapped in the body and can store as trapped energy or trauma. And when that that stress energy is not released it can cause severe emotional and nervous-system dysregulation and dissociation.

How Does Somatic Therapy Work?

Somatic therapy works to release this stored stress energy from the body, and bring back a state of calm.

When “stuck” in trauma, we can tend to remain in fight, flight, or freeze responses, in some cases for many years with little relief. Additionally, we are often unaware of the state we’re in as it’s become normal to us, even if it’s causing other ill-effects in our life (physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, etc.).

The Somatic Experiencing modality offers clinical tools for helping to identify, experience, and ultimately release and resolve these physiological states.

In addition to being an incredible tool for resolving trauma and negative emotional states, it’s also a wonderfully gentle method for self-exploration and general emotional wellness. We are pleased to offer this beautiful healing modality in Kelowna, BC and to serve the greater Okanagan as well including Vernon, Penticton, and Peachland.

Treat Trauma and PTSD with Somatic Therapy

Somatic Experiencing therapy has shown a high level of success all over the world, particularly in transforming PTSD, emotional wounds, and early developmental attachment trauma. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the worlds leading trauma researchers, heavily endorses Somatic Experiencing in his work “The Body Keeps the Score” and has helped further to bring worldwide recognition to this unique trauma-healing approach.

Have questions about Somatic Experiencing? Schedule a free consultation with us or book an appointment online!