Walk and Talk Therapy

What is Walk and Talk Therapy?

Have you ever noticed how many of your best ideas come from when you’re out on a walk?

That’s because of a process known as “bilateral stimulation.” Essentially, when you’re walking, you’re stimulating your left brain with every right step, and your right brain with every left step, which increases communication between both sides of your brain, stimulates creativity, AND when combined with intentional conversation can help to heal stuck trauma.

In short, Walk and Talk Therapy combines the natural healing power of walking with intentional conversation with a trained trauma therapist.

Who is Walk and Talk Therapy For?

Walk and Talk Therapy is not as intense as other forms of trauma therapy (i.e. Expanded States of Consciousness, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing), and is appropriate for any age. It’s up to you to assess your physical fitness and determine if this therapy is right for you, but the focus here is not about exercise and you can go at whatever pace feels good to you.

When planning the session, your therapist will choose an appropriate place in one of Kelowna’s wonderful parks and set a time to meet you there.

Is Walk and Talk Therapy right for you?